Insurance Claims Management by Texas General Constructors
Frequently Asked Questions about Insurance Claims
At Texas General Constructors, we are staffed with professionals to ensure your Insurance claim goes forward both smoothly and fairly. We realize that our customers do not work with insurance claims on a regular basis and that sometimes the process can be confusing. We pride ourselves in helping our customers make sense of both their rights under Texas law and the full benefits they are entitled to.
Please refer to our Insurance Claims FAQs for more information.
Myth: If I find a roofer who does the work cheaper than my insurance company estimated, then I can pocket the difference and make some money?
Fact :
According to Texas State Insurance laws, this is considered insurance fraud. Not only is this insurance fraud, insurance companies require the roofing contractor to provide a final invoice to them. Getting the work done cheaper than the insurance estimate actually saves the insurance company money and does nothing for you. If the price of the roof replacement is lower than the insurance company estimate, your insurance company will in turn, adjust your final depreciation check accordingly, making the final depreciation check less by that amount. More importantly, in many cases customers end up with a roof of lesser quality than what they could have received, precisely because they went with the company that had the lowest price.